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Photo: Marco Borggreve




“Der schwierige, mit Oktavsprüngen und spritzigen Läufen gespickte Solopart ist bei Benjamin Grosvenor in besten Händen – äußerst feinnervig trifft der britische Pianist den schlüpfrigen Salonton des von Ravel inspirierten Waltz, trägt aber auch die großen melodischen Entwicklungen des Impromptu und die martialische Finalmotorik.”

- Der Tagesspiegel, September 2013


"So here’s the deal: Grosvenor has it all. This guy is someone to watch out for."

- The Vancouver Sun, April 2013


“Grosvenor is a most atypical artist. His savant-like approach to details and his unspoiled clarity may be unexcelled among today’s ranks of piano artists. His performance may have been nearly entirely cerebral and not at all visceral, but that may have meant that he has achieved Saint-Exupéry’s definition of perfection: There was no more notes than were needed, and there was more than plenty of music within.”

- San Francisco Classical Voice, April 2013


"Grosvenor’s technical arsenal is exceptional for an artist of any age. He can play the most rhythmically complex pieces at lightning speed with note-perfect accuracy. His tonal palette and full range of dynamics are impressive and can enhance his performances well beyond the sometimes cold, over-percussive playing of some competition winners ... With continuing artistic maturity and refinement, Grosvenor’s abundant talent presages a major, wide ranging career."

- South Florida Classical Review, February 2013


"Grosvenor revealed much more of his precious mettle in Britten’s Piano Concerto, mostly a product of the composer’s mid-20s. Not a natural concerto writer, Britten fumbles with the format here and there, with piano and large orchestra not always in perfect accord. But Grosvenor and the BBC Symphony Orchestra carefully caressed its awkward corners while letting the good stuff shine.”

- The Times, January 2013















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